Embracing Conflict and Making it Work for You

Tuesday, October 1, 2024
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM (EDT)
Free Zoom Webinar
Category: Education

Conflict in the workplace can be caused by many factors such as differing personality types, personal values, and communication styles. Rick will go over how to identify the first signs of conflicts and highlight how conflict can actually be productive when addressed in an open and curious mindset. Rather than avoiding conflict and hoping things might settle down, learn how to de-escalate emotions and use conflict as a way to collaborate and better understand. 

Learning Objectives:  
  • How to recognize conflict.
  • Understanding the causes of conflict and the three primary sources of conflict.
  • Prioritizing relationships above fears and feelings of being threatened.
  • Making the most of conflict and and recognizing the positives.

CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDIT: In order to earn Continuing Education Credits (CECs), viewers must attend the live virtual class. No credit will be earned from watching the recording posted to our website following the class. Attendees are encouraged to turn on their video cameras and participate in any poll questions/open discussion from the speaker(s). Credit hours are based on webinar duration.

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Rick Ellis - Ellis
Rick Ellis


Rick Ellis, CAM, CPM is a national speaker and industry expert who has been deep in the apartment biz for 40 years.  Based in Dallas TX, he is a practicing property manager and leasing expert who presents as one who is in the trenches daily...because he is!  Attendee's love his fresh stories and examples that come from today’s experiences! 

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